Second International Scientific Distance Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery
Second International Scientific Distance Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery

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Scientific Program of the Congress
Organizing Commettee of the Congress
Instructions for Authors
Payment of the Registration Fee

Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery



Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery

Registration Form

this form should be completed in all its part

and send to the Organizing Committee till October 31st,  2005

Second and Last Name  
MD or PhD   Title  
Title of the Report  
Adress Adress  
City   Zip Code  
State   Country  
Method of Registration Fee Payment by check Westwrn Union
banck transfer Credit Card


The manuscript (text of the report for the publishing in the Conference Book) should not exceed 3 pages.

No page limit is imposed for the programming lectures, however publication of substantially large papers will be dependent on the importance of the topic and the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Typewritten, double spaced papers must be typed on one side of standard letter size paper in English. The cover page must include the title of the manuscript, full name, title and academic degree of each author, telephone, fax, e-mail, and complete mailing address. The corresponding author must be identified to whom all the correspondences should be addressed. A maximum of 10 of the most appropriate key words must appear on the cover page.

The manuscript should follow the usual sequence of sections (Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Acknowledgements (if any); References; Appendix (if any); tables; caption for figures; figures).

References must be numbered, typed completely and referred in the text in squared brackets.

All illustrations (diagrams, graphs, etc.) should be in black and white with gradation of gray color of a high quality. Photographs, radiograms should be in raster format (preferable - TIFF, JPG, PSD). The other illustrations should be in vector format. The editorial staff may correct illustration to improve their view.

Photographs and illustrations should have appropriate legends and must be typed on separate pages. They should be pertinent, brief, but complete. Photomicrographs should have scales and magnifications should be identified in the legends. Neither the manuscript nor the photographs will be returned to the authors.

 All materials must be send by E-Mail .

For more information, please contact the Editor-in-Chief

Short Reports

The Short Report (abstract of the manuscript) for the publishing on Conference Internet Site  should not exceed 1/3 page (150 words)  - A4 paper (297 x 210 mm)

Use only Times Roman ( Occ )

The title should be centred and in 14 point BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. The rest of the abstract should be in the 12 point font  The Short Reports must contain title, authors, institution, country, text of the abstract, contact adderss (E-Mail)


Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery


Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery


 Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery

Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery

of young scientists


Second International Scientific Distance Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery, June, 2005

Congress on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery


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