International Scientific Surgical Association


The First International Scientific Teleconference

"Cardiovascular Surgery and Angiology - 2003"

Knyazhev V., Golemanov D.

Self-fixing Modular Wound-expander For Abdominal MAJOR VESSELS Surgery

Vascular Surgery Clinic,  MBAL St.Anna, Medical University

Varna, Bulgaria


The creation of optimal access is one of the most important elements during surgery of the abdominal major vessels. Principal requirements are the access to be maximum atraumatic, to provide wide field of view and sufficient exposure of the abdominal organs. Many different automatic wound-expanders have been proposed for the purpose, trying at the same time to save the assisting surgeons efforts.

Multi-component modular wound-expander is created in our clinic. It consists of 6 steel arc-shaped tubular elements connecting to each other by intermediate bodies /joints/ made of titanium. Through these joints pass and are fixed 5 to 7 different shovel-shaped retractors, which stretch operative wound edges, thus ensuring self-fixation of the wound-expander. A diamond-shaped aperture with diameter up to 35 cm forms this way and it permits freedom and comfort during surgery. When disjointed the wound-expander is accessible for sterilization, suitable for transportation, takes up a little space and can quickly and easily be assambled.

It was used in our clinic as a device of choice in over 100 operations since 1995.

Key Words: multi-component Self-fixing modular wound-expander





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