First International
Scientific Teleconference
"new technologies in medicine - 2004"
Dear Colleagues
It is with pleasure that we welcome you to the "First International
Scientific Teleconference: New Technology in Medicine". There are 135
doctors from 17 countries: Russia, USA, Italy, Spine, Japan, England,
Ireland, Turkey, Argentina, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech republic, Belarus,
India, China, Uzbekistan and Ukraine participating in our conference.
During the conference a wide spectrum of topics will be reported. The
variety of discuss problems will range from diagnostics of the spine
tuberculosis to the heart rate variability in septic shock model, and
from operations on the carotid vessels to new methods of treatment for
esophageal strictures. We foresee this conference to be an annual event,
and in March 2005, we will meet again to summarize again the results of
our scientific research.
Organizing Committee |
Dear colleagues!
We shall be glad to send you the Conference of Conference of all for
15 $
Welcome to our Conferences!