International Scientific Surgical Association

Первая международная дистанционная

научно-практическая конференция

"Новые технологии в медицине - 2004"



EuroScan The European Information Network on New and Changing Health Technologies

EuroScan Secretariat, National Horizon Scanning Centre, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham

Birmingham, England


Abstract The early identification and prioritisation new and emerging health technologies is now recognised as an integral part of the health technology assessment process. Early warning or horizon scanning systems are part of the regular approval processes in a number of countries. The idea for an international network of early warning systems had been discussed for some years and came to being in 1998 with the first meeting of EuroScan (The European Information Network on New and Changing Health Technologies). EuroScan now has twelve member agencies from Europe, Canada and Israel. Members of EuroScan have collaborated to develop a common understanding of early warning activity, shared information on methods used for early identification and assessment, shared results of early warning activities and developed a web-based database of important new and emerging technologies. This collaboration has proved invaluable, avoiding duplication of effort, increasing reliability of output, and increasing efficiency within systems.


 Key words:    early warning, horizon scanning, health technology, collaboration, identification, prioritisation.


Simpson S. EuroScan The European Information Network on New and Changing Health Technologies   // Новые технологии в медицине: Сб. докл. Первой международной дистанционной науч.-практ. конф., Санкт-Петербург, 15-30 марта 2004 г. СПб, 2004. С. 119-120




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