International Scientific Surgical Association

Первая международная дистанционная

научно-практическая конференция

"Новые технологии в медицине - 2004"



E.J.Ciaccio, J.Coromilas, A.L.Wit

New Methods to Pinpoint Reentrant Circuits causing Ventricular Tachycardia

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

New York, USA


Abstract  Following myocardial infarct (heart attack) in human patients, it is a common problem for arrhythmias to develop due to presence of diseased and dead tissue in the infarct area. Activation mapping is an important procedure to detect and localize the arrhythmogenic zone. However, currently this requires induction of tachycardia and extensive recording time in patients undergoing electrophysiology (EP) study, which is inconvenient for the patient and can be debilitating. In this work we describe new methods of analysis for detection of arrhythmogenic zones using signals acquired during the normal sinus rhythm. Examples of the analysis are given using a postinfarction canine model in which induction of ventricular tachycardia is possible using programmed electrical stimulation. Firstly, signals from the heart surface are acquired from the experimental animals at 196-312 sites. These signals are analyzed, and various parameters of electrogram shape, namely the activation time and the electrogram duration, are mapped. The area of the map with unique electrogram properties is shown to coincide with the focal area of the arrhythmia. Potentially, this technology can be applied to clinical data for rapid localization of the arrhythmogenic zone. This would be useful for clinical ablation therapy to prevent reinduction of tachycardia in postinfarction patients.


Ciaccio E.J., Coromilas J., Wit A.L. New Methods to Pinpoint Reentrant Circuits causing Ventricular Tachycardia  // Новые технологии в медицине: Сб. докл. Первой международной дистанционной науч.-практ. конф., Санкт-Петербург, 15-30 марта 2004 г. СПб, 2004. С. 68-70




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