International Scientific Surgical Association The First International Scientific Teleconference "new technologies in medicine - 2004" |
V.Knyazhev An original instrumental set for endarterectomy in cases of chronic arterial insufficiency Vascular Surgery Clinic MBAL St.Anna, MU Varna, Bulgaria Introduction Endarterectomy is an up-to-date method in reconstructive arterial surgery. Its half-opened version cant be performed with satisfying quality without the appropriate instrumental set. Different instruments have been submitted for the purpose loops, half-spirals, rings, tubes, etc., and also their combinations with ultrasound, laser, gas carbodissection. Materials and methods An instrument is submitted in our clinic which is designed for atraumatic separation of the occluded artery layers at an extent of 40 cm from the arteriotomy. The instrument consists of working surface, connected to a shank by an elongated thin portion. The working section represents a half-spheric blade-shaped surface about 12 mm long. The elongated body is made of flexible steel wire 1.1 mm thick and over 45 cm long. The shank is cylindrical, rough surfaced, about 0.9 cm thick and 5 cm long. Manufactured are 8 instruments with different working section diameter from 3 to 10 mm suitable to arterial vessel size. Results The instruments are in use in the clinic since 1981. They made possible successful half-opened endarterectomy in 19 patients with over 30 cm occlusion in the femoro-politeal segment and in 87 with over 10 cm occlusion in the ilio-femoral part of the artery. Key Words: endarterectomy, an original instrument
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