International Scientific Surgical Association The First International Scientific Teleconference "new technologies in medicine - 2004" |
G.A.Sharandak, E.I.Kropachyova, S.N.Kachalov, V.A.Konovalov, S.I.Chichkan THORACOSCOPIC SYMPATHECTOMY IN TREATMENT OF THE OBLITERATING ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF ARTERIES OF THE LOWER LIMBS Hospital surgery clinic of medical faculty Far Eastern State Medical University Road clinical hospital of the Far Eastern Railroad Khabarovsk, Russia
Thoracic sympathectomy more than 50 years are used in treatment of an ischemia of the upper and lower extremities. However influence of this operation, in particular use thoracic sympathectomy at an ischemia of the lower extremities depending on a stage of disease, remains disputable. In work features preoperative and intraoperative inspections, a technique of operation and results thoracic sympathectomy at 40 patients with an intermittent claudication and a critical ischemia are considered. Good results of treatment are received from 18 patients from 24 with IIБ a degree of an ischemia and at 8 patients from 16 at III IV degrees of an ischemia.
Key words: obliterating atherosclerosis, ischemia of the lower extremities, thoracic sympathectomy
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