International Scientific Surgical Association The First International Scientific Teleconference "new technologies in medicine - 2004" |
Z.M.Nizamkhodjaev, L.G.Bazhenov, S.S.Ganikhodjaev, A.M.Husanov DIFFERENT METHODS OF TREATMENT OF CHEMICAL ESOPHAGEAL BURNS Republican Specialized Centre of Surgery named after Academician V.Vakhidov Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article analyses the results of treatment of 275 patients with post-burn cicatricial esophageal strictures. The patients were divided into 3 groups. 1st group of patients without esophageal stricture underwent conservative management only. The patients of the 2nd group underwent bougienage by the wire. The results of this type of treatment and the complications character in these patients were studied. The 3rd group included the patients undergone reconstructive esophageal repair after insufficient conservative therapy. The complications after esophageal plasty were studied.
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