International Scientific Surgical Association The First International Scientific Teleconference "new technologies in medicine - 2004" |
Y.V. Kashirin, E.V. Matveev The New Medical-Engineering Techniques for Diagnostic and Rehabilitation of Human Cortical Function The Cloused Joint-Stock Company "VNIIMP - VITA" Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Moscow, Russia
A new generation of medical hardware has developed on the basis of new medical and physiological concept and on wide application of automated intellectual system. Most effective results are achieved if novel engineering ideas are combined with new clinical methods, new medical and physiological findings, and technical innovations. The goal of present work is to illustrate the application of system principles to the theory and practice of development of hardware for psychophysiological examination of normal and pathological higher nervous activity. These approach have been implemented in the medical devices in Medical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Those devices - new computer technologies of psychophysiological examination of central nervous system based on new concepts of behavioral quantization and technical innovations significantly contribute to the development of psychophysiological devices.
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