International Scientific Surgical Association


The First International Scientific Teleconference

"Cardiovascular Surgery and Angiology - 2003"

Afonin D.N.

THE IMPACT OF spinal cord compression ON THE PERIPHERAL HEMODYNAMICS IN PATIENTS WITH spinal cord compression

St.-Petersburg research institute of Phtisiopulmonology

St.-Petersburg, Russia


The summary: the condition of a peripheral homodynamic for 164 зфешутеы цшер tuberculosis and hematogenous osteomyelitis of spine complicated by the spinal cord compression is studied. The prevailing influencing of degree and level of the spinal cord compression is detected at inflammatory diseases of a backbone on a peripheral hemodynamics. Thus the most expressed changes are watched at the thoracic part of the spine

Keywords: a hemodynamics, compression of a spinal cord, spondylites.




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