International Scientific Surgical Association


The First International Scientific Teleconference

"Cardiovascular Surgery and Angiology - 2003"

Troitskiy A.V., Habazov R.I., Chernaya N.R, Lisenko E.R., Griaznov O.G., Orehov P.Y., Parsin P.Y., Malutina E.D., Zaitsev M.V.

Moscow, Russia

     Purpose: To report outcome of first experience of new kind of ePTFE endoprosthesis (Hemobahn and Viabahn W.L.GORE & Associates) in different clini-cal situations.
     Materials and Methods: 3 patients underwent en-doluminal treatment of ePTFE endoprosthesis . First case was endograft plasment after catheter recanalisation of common right iliac artery in combination with PTA and stenting of the opposite side. Second patient was oper-ated for long calcified high grade stenoses of femoral artery (combined with open patch plastic of common femoral artery). Third was endoluminal treatment of anevrism of procsimal anastomosis of ileo-femoral lavsan graft 7 year after surgical treatment in high risk patient. All procedures were performed by vascular sur-geons experienced in rentgenosurgery. All initial proce-dures were successful carried out in all patients.
      Conclussion: Endoluminal treatment using Hemobahn and Viabahn endoprothesis is safe, efficient and minimally invasive alternative to open surgery in selective cases.

      Key words: Endovascular Hemobahn and Viabahn endoprosthesis, iliac anevrism, occlusion of iliac and femoral artries.




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