International Scientific Surgical Association


The First International Scientific Teleconference

"Cardiovascular Surgery and Angiology - 2003"

R.Caronno, D.Laganà*, G.Carrafiello*, G.Piffaretti, M.Carnini, M.Tozzi, M.Canziani, S.Iosca*, C.Lomazzi, P.Castelli

Occlusive disease of the infrarenal aorta and aortic bifurcation: endovascular therapy is simple, short and safer?

Vascular Surgery, University of Insubria-Varese, Italy

*Radiology Institute, University of Insubria-Varese, Italy



To report on 50 cases of steno-occlusive disease of the aorto-iliac bifurcation treated with endovascular PTA-stenting.

Materials & Methods

During the last 36 months we treated 50 patients (46 males and 4 females) affected by Leriche syndrome in 19 cases (38%) or svere claudication in 31 cases (62%). Every patient underwent ecocolordoppler and preoperative angiography. The lesions of the bifurcation were defined as type C and type D of the TASC classification, while the lesions of the infrarenal aorta propered as II and III classes of the American Heart Association Tasc Force on Peripheral PTA. 40 procedures (80%) were carry out in the angiographic theatre. 10 patients (20%) underwent initial locoregional thrombolysis and than we performed 10 PTA-stenting (20%) and 38 PTA-kissing balloon plus stent (76%). Our follow-up consisted of ecocolordoppler at 1,3,6 and 12 months after the procedure.


27 patients (54%) were less than 60 years old. Mortality rate was 0. Primary technical success rate was 80% (40 cases); we were not able to cross the lesion in just 2 cases (4%). Mean follow-up was 19 months (range 4-36), primary patency rate at dimission date was 100% while overall patency rate was 96% (48 cases). Mean hospitalization was 4 days (range 2-16).


Endovascular therapy in complex aorto-iliac lesions is feasible; patency rate is similar to traditional surgery. It seems to be a better therapeutic option thanks to the lower mortality and morbidity rates; it provides shorter hospitalization.


Correspondence: Prof.P.Castelli, University of Insubria, Varese-Italy,



Caronno R., Laganà D., Carrafiello G. et al. Occlusive disease of the infrarenal aorta and aortic bifurcation: endovascular therapy is simple, short and safer? // The First International Scientific Teleconference "Cardiovascular Surgery and Angiology - 2003", The book of Conference.- SPb, 2003.- P.




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