International Scientific Surgical Association The First International Scientific Teleconference "new technologies in medicine - 2004" |
A.V.Terekhov CONCERNING THE PROBLEM OF ORTHOGRADE POSTURE STABILIZATION The Department of Applied Mechanics of Moscow State University Moscow, Russia
We have tried to propose mathematical model for orthograde posture stabilization process of a man standing on slightly and slowly disturbed support. The control signal was modeled as linearly depended on the outputs of afferent endings: proprioceptive, tactile and of vestibular apparatus. The model was required to describe features specific for stabilization process in the case of slow disturbance, which were depicted in the article by Gurfinkel et al, 1995. Only slow components of movements were taken in view. The human body was modeled as a solid pivot, the muscles were described by Feldman's muscle model, the afferent endings were described by simple linear models. As a result we can assert that in spite of the fact that it is not possible for the model to describe all the features simultaneously, every individual feature can be described.
Keywords: orthograde posture, stabilization, slow disturbance, afferent endings, vestibular function. E-mail: |