International Scientific Surgical Association

The First International Scientific Teleconference

"new technologies in medicine - 2004"

M.Varelaa, R.Asensiob, G.García Navazob M.D., D.DOnofrioc, M.Calvoa, P.Galdosb

Complexity analysis of the temperature curve in critically ill patients: prognostic implications

a Servicio de Medicina Interna, Hospital de Móstoles, Madrid, Spain

b Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital de Móstoles, Madrid, Spain

c System analyst, Buenos Aires, Argentina



The complexity of the temperature curve was measured by means of ApEn (Approximate Entropy) in 16 critically ill patients, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit in multiorgan failure. ApEn was significantly lower (the temperature curve was less complex) in patients who died versus patients who survived. The predictive value of ApEn compares favourably with conventional scales of physiological status (Sepsis Organ Failure Assessment)


 Key words:    Complexity, temperature curve, multiorgan failure, Approximate Entropy .


Varela M., Asensio R., García Navazo G. et al. Complexity analysis of the temperature curve in critically ill patients: prognostic implications  // Новые технологии в медицине: Сб. докл. Первой международной дистанционной науч.-практ. конф., Санкт-Петербург, 15-30 марта 2004 г. СПб, 2004. С. 112-113




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