International Scientific Surgical Association

The First International Scientific Teleconference

"new technologies in medicine - 2004"

P.K.Sodhi1, L.Verma2, R.M.Pandey3, S.K.Ratan4


1Department of Ophthalmology, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi

2New Delhi Centre For Sight, New Delhi

3Department of Biostatistics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

4Department of Paediatric Surgery, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi



Purpose: The purpose of this study was to find the role of intraoperative doxorubicin in preventing the recurrence of a primary pterygium.

Materials and methods: Forty four patients including 8 males and 36 females in the age range of 22 to 55 years having primary pterygium of progressive type were enrolled. After making a complete ocular examination including visual acuity record, slit lamp biomicroscopy and tear film examination, the pterygia were examined for laterality, amount of its encroachment on cornea and its width at 5mm from the limbus. These patients were treated with pterygium excision followed by intraoperative application of doxorubicin (0.02%) for three minutes. The patients were regularly followed till one year postoperatively. At these visits, the patients were examined for visual acuity, wound condition, adverse events and recurrence of pterygium.

Results: The mean age of patients was 41.4 12.9years. All these patients had pterygium on the medial side of cornea. The encroachment of pterygium on cornea was 0-6 (2.31.4)mm. The width of pterygium tissue at 5 mm from limbus was 5-15 (8.92.5)mm.

The side effects experienced by our patients from the use of doxorubicin were conjunctival hyperemia, corneal epithelial defect, subconjunctival hemorrhage, episcleritis, increased pain, foreign body sensation, lacrimation, irritation, diminution of vision and photophobia. These adverse events were mild and did not persist for more than 2 to 3 days following excision. Recurrence was seen in 12 patients (27.27%). The recurrence of pterygium was not influenced by age and/or sex of patients, laterality of eye involved, amount of encroachment of pterygium on cornea, width of pterygium, and preoperative complaints except photophobia and discharge.

Conclusions: The use of intraoperative doxorubicin in low concentrations during pterygium excision is effective in preventing the recurrence of a primary pterygium without causing severe side effects.


 Key words:    Pterygium, Pterygium and doxorubicin, Primary pterygium, Doxorubicin and ocular uses.



Sodhi P.K., Verma L., Pandey R.M., Ratan S.K. ROLE OF INTRAOPERATIVE DOXORUBICIN IN PREVENTING THE RECURRENCE OF A PRIMARY PTERYGIUM FIRST CLINICAL TRIAL   // Новые технологии в медицине: Сб. докл. Первой международной дистанционной науч.-практ. конф., Санкт-Петербург, 15-30 марта 2004 г. СПб, 2004. С. 106-107





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