International Scientific Surgical Association

The First International Scientific Teleconference

"new technologies in medicine - 2004"

A.N.Zablotski, V.Y.Plavski, V.A.Mostovnikov, A.I.Tretiakova, I.A.Zablotski, Y.V.Krilov, A.Y Krilov

Endoscopic Laser Photodynamic Therapy Methylene Blue Helicobacter associated Pathology  Duodenum in Children

Vitebsk childrens hospital

Insitute  physics, National Academy of Science

Vitebsk - Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Inefficiency of established methods of eradication of Helicobacter pyloridis (Нp), their side effects, resistance to numerous drugs dictate the search of the alternative methods of treatment. The method of endoscopic laser photodynamic therapy with methylene blue of Hp-associated diseases of the duodenum in children was used in 97 patients with erosions and ulcers of the duodenum. Eradications of HP were achieved in 80,1% of cases. The combination of low-intensive laser light and bactericide effect of the excited methylene blue is alternative method in treatment of HP-associated diseases of  the duodenum in children.


Zablotski A.N., Plavski V.Y., Mostovnikov V.A. et al. Endoscopic laser photodynamic therapy methylene blue helicobacter associated pathology duodenum in children  // Новые технологии в медицине: Сб. докл. Первой международной дистанционной науч.-практ. конф., Санкт-Петербург, 15-30 марта 2004 г. СПб, 2004. С. 82




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