International Scientific Surgical Association

The First International Scientific Teleconference

"new technologies in medicine - 2004"

Belyi L.E.

The role of ultrasonography of renal blood flow

in differentiation of obstructive and non-obstructive

dilatations of the renal collecting system

Hospital of Emergency Medicine

Ulyanovsk, Russia


The main feature of obstruction of upper urinary tract as other obstructive uropathy with real-time sonography is the dilatation of the renal collecting system.

However, there are several pathologies when the cause of dilatation is not an obsruction. The results of research devoted to elaboration of differential criterions of obstructive and non-obstructive dilatations of the renal collecting system based on the ultrasonography of renal blood flow are performed. The qualitative characteristics of disturbances of renal  hemodynamic  are defined. Sonographic features of dilatations of the renal pelvis and disturbances of renal hemodynamic prove the presence of  upper urinary tract obstruction.



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