International Scientific Surgical Association The First International Scientific Teleconference "new technologies in medicine - 2004" |
L.G.Bajenov CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC METHOD OF STUDING OF MICROORGANISMS AND ITS USAGE AT IDENTIFICATION OF FUNGUSES OF THE GENUS CANDIDA Republican Specialized Centre of Surgery named after Academician V.Vakhidov Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
The summary: The accessible and economic method of identification of microorganisms permitting fast and with sufficient degree of reliance is elaborated to recognise microorganisms, to keep the biological information of them and to transmit it by electronic-information canals. Identification of 21 strains of funguses of the genus Candidа: C.tropicalis (10), C.krusei (4), C.stellatoidea (4) and Candida albicans (3) was carried out with its help. All strains of the listed species formed crystallogramms typical for them, which enable to differentiate them legibly. The results obtained with the help of crystallographic and traditional methods were identical.
Bajenov L.G. CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC METHOD OF STUDING OF MICROORGANISMS AND ITS USAGE AT IDENTIFICATION OF FUNGUSES OF THE GENUS CANDIDA // The First International Scientific Teleconference: New technologies in medicine, Saint-Petersburg, March, 15-30, 2004 SPb, 2004. P. 12-13 E-mail: